Platform Security

Last updated Jan 19, 2024

Security illustration

Developers using Convex are entrusting us with their most important assets—their users' data. Accordingly, security is of the utmost importance to our team.



SOC 2 Type I compliant

Convex is SOC 2 Type I compliant, demonstrating our dedication to the highest security and privacy standards for your data's safe management, ensuring robust protection against unauthorized access and data breaches.

Convex is hosted on AWS, which is certified for SOC 2 Type II, ISO 9001, GDPR, HIPAA, FedRamp, and numerous other standards.

Vulnerability Disclosure Policy

If you believe you've discovered a bug in Convex's security, please get in touch at and we'll get back to you within 24 hours. We request that you not publicly disclose the issue until we have had a chance to address it.

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